Brand Selection And Negotiation

Deft Hospitality has the expertise in brand selection and negotiation, selection affiliation,and finalization. We Evaluate each property’s characteristics that can determine the most appropriate chain affiliation. Assist in securing branding and marketing alliances. Deft Hospitality coordinates in contract negotiation for management, or franchise agreements.
We offer partners and owners a range of contracts, all of which are geared to maximize profitability and returns for both parties.


We know what to look for when identifying assets with development potential; from plots of land to buildings in need of investment. We bring investors to own and co-own hotels in key gateway cities, regional centers, and select hotels, resorts, restaurant destinations, predominantly in Maharashtra state where the capital value is likely to appreciate over time

Joint ventures

Joint ventures with investors or brands take many forms, but they share the same strategy – to focus on developing a mutually  beneficial working relationship while returning maximum profits for all parties involved.

Management contract

A management contract allows owners to retain complete ownership of the property while the brand undertakes the day-to-day management. Companies feel confident in working with well-known brands or operators to run their hotels with efficiency and passion.

Operating leases

Institutions investors may favor operating leases, whereby we help to lease their property and get rent. The brand manages all aspects of the operation, from reservations and food and beverage to providing Commercial services and People & Culture.

Franchise arrangements

The franchise option is ideal for partners who enjoy running their own hotel but seek the reassurance of industry-leading support services such as distribution, marketing, and central reservations.